My Fit ABC’s

Good morning!! How are you this morning? I am fabulous and I hope you are too! I have been searching through early elementary lesson plans that teach the ABCs and thought it would be a fun spin for a blog post. Kiddos learn best with material presented to them in multiple formats and word associations (as do I). I got thinking how so many of the rules runners live by are silent but understood, here are a few (26) I pulled together!

my fit abc's


A – give your ALL; You can do it. I know you can!

B – BREATHE; Literally and figuratively. You’re going to be ok but breathing on the run looks easier than it is. Figure out what works for you and use  it to your advantage! Check out this post on Runner’s World if you’re interested in the advantages.

challenge yourself be better #myfitabcs
C – CHALLENGE yourself; through challenge you grow, you change, and you become even more awesome than you already are!

D – DETERMINATION; It’s going to get crazy (if it hasn’t already) and some days you may hate but if you have the determination to make it to your goal you have the determination to do anything.

E – EAT; Veggies, dairy, meat, whatever it takes to keep you going. Make sure you’re doing you and don’t let anyone let you feel like you have to explain why you do or don’t eat XYZ.

F – FORGIVE; You are not perfect and that is ok. Not all of your runs, bikes, workouts are going to be exactly what you think they should be. Again, that’s ok. We all have great days and have really bad ones. That doesn’t always reflect on you.

Go #myfitabcs
G – GIVE back; You’re a runner, you’re a part of an exclusive community who loves you from day one. You need them and they need you. Stay at the finish line until the end and support those people who have made the cut off, as well as though who haven’t but have grown tremendously. Cori from Olive to Run has a great explanation – see #8 specifically and at the Boston Marathon the compassion was obvious, 2013 and then again as four runners banded together in 2014. We are a part of something amazing and our supports are just as incredible.

H – HILLS; They suck, they really really suck…until they’re fun!

I – listen to your INTUITION; whether it’s a potential injury or it’s so hot outside

J – JOY. Always remember running (or whatever your fit choice) is a privilege. We don’t have to run, we get to run. Enjoy it!

your body never lies Kinesiology #myfitabcs


K – KINESIOLOGY; Wht’s that? It’s the study of a body in motion! Remember to keep your shoulders back, breathe, keep moving, all the things your check during your run typically have to do with your body and your body never lies – make listening to it a thing of habit.

L – LIFT; I never thought I would like to lift or that I would ever see “real” results. I was so wrong (and pretty blind)! I am stronger, faster, and overall better; I’ve heard so many other stories where lifting has enhanced their everyday lives – 3 to 5 pounds three times a week makes a big difference.

M – MOVE; No matter how slow you go just keep moving.

N – be NICE; This goes for everyone. You are no better than the guy in the lifting belt, the women on the treadmill, or the person with a few more pounds nor is the person with a faster PR or a “better” looking body than you any better. We all start somewhere and we all have worked to get to where we are. Also – shoot your snot rocket the opposite way of your fellow runner 😉

O – be OPEN; We have our own tried and true way of doing XYZ and they don’t all look the same but everyone (me included) can learn from everyone else and it’s an amazing thing that a majority of the fitness world is so accessible and up for learning more all the time.

FailtoPreparePreparetoFail #myfitabcs
P – PLAN; Wether it’s planning workouts or meals there is no substitute. Sure, some things don’t work out but that’s we go with the flow!

Q – QUESTION; It’s ok not to know. Most runners are the nicest people you’ll ever meet and legitimately we will talk about anything so ask away – please!!

R – REST and RECOVER; It’s part of training. It’s not always easy, especially if you feel great on a rest day but I think it’s the most crucial part of training.

StartingLine FinishLine #myfitabcs
S – START; It took me a year a start this blog and 20 years to start running. Yeah, it’s scary, no matter what your goals is but “unless you start you can never cross the finish line.

T – TRUST your training; Eventually you will get to that start line or see a long run or just decide to run further than ever and as scared or worried as you’ll be it’ll be ok and you can do it.

U – UNRESTRICTED; Go on – be your awesome, free self – express yourself just as you are. You want to wear purple polka dot knee highs with your short athletic shorts and your Def Leppard shirt? No problem! We still love you!! You like to swim in a bright pink cap or sport a 26.2 sticker on your car? We’ve got your back too!

Variety #myfitabcs

V – VARY; Swim, bike, run, lift, play. Do whatever you love! Whatever gets you out and active, you’ll want to do it more and more! Awesome, huh?

W – WATER; Drink it! Before you run, during, and after. It helps 😉

X – Avoid XERORIPSIS; or “dry friction” aka chafing. It hurts!! Vaseline or Body Glide and bandaids, whatever it takes – avoid at all costs! Can I get an amen?!

Y – YOGA; Ohm. It’s actually how I really got started in this journey and what continues to help me slow down and realize the important this in life. PS it’s not just for chicks!

Z – ZZZ; i.e. Sleep. This goes with rest and recovery. There is nothing like sleep to make training easier and more effective.

There you guys guys! Thank you so much! I hope you guys loved it and will participate on Twitter and Instagram, or even write your own (that’d be cool)!

What’d I miss? Any truisms you’d add?
Use #myfitabcs on Twitter and Intsagram to join in on the conversation!!

Friday FitCounts

Happy Friday Y’all! I hope everyone is loving the weather (I know I am 🙂 )!

Who doesn’t love discounts? Here’s a list of them compiled – go spoil yourselves!!

nuun discount

20% off Nuun with “rangarrelay”

jaybird discount

25% off Jaybird with “TRAIL23”

procompression discount

40% off Pro Compression with “RAG”

Bondi Band discount

20% off Bondi Bands with “2ORANARIAN”

Nite Ize discount

20% off Nite Ize with “RANGAR14QR”

enerybits discount


gladsoles discount

20% off Gladsoles with “GOBAREFOOT”

Enjoy your weekend! What will you be doing this weekend?!


First Ever Blog Conference (and my unvegan weekend)

Warning: What you are about to read may or may not contain non-vegan items. Sometimes rouge things happen, this time it was a huge mistake and I was pretty darn I’ll that night.


What what?! One week ago today, right now actually, I was sitting at a local hotel surrounding myself with a room full of lovely ladies and two gentlemen. It’s more ethical than it sounds – I swear!!

I attended Bloggy Bootcamp Saint Louis and in short it was a great experience! I was able to spend quality time with one of my favorite bloggers (Show Me Ashley) and explore Saint Louis with a new-to-me blogger (Cupcake Cardio). More on that later!!

At the welcome table bloggers picked up lanyards and a badge with first names, assigned table numbers, Twitter handles, and blog names. Great combo in my opinion!

The assigned table numbers made things a breeze and I still felt like the new kid in school searching for a lunch table (mainly because I couldn’t find my assigned table – directions aren’t exactly my thing 😉 ) but once I found Table 6 life was good! Business cards were passed and the ladies and I settled in for Session One. For Session Two I was assigned to good ole Table 6 (what a relief) but was surrounded by all new counterparts, everyone was just as nice. We took a break between sessions three and four to grab a small bite, take a potty break, and fill up our water. I had scoped out Table 10 ahead of time to ensure I would not be the lost kid at lunch again so I made the quick trip to the back of the room between Dana of Chocolate and Sunshine and Holly of Where We Can Live Like Jack and Sally, Laura of Lalymom. While chatting with the table I got a wonderful surprise – Ashley of Show Me Ashley came up and surprised me, I may or may not have jumped right up and had an overzealous reaction to finally meeting her in real life *guilty*. She and chatted before the session and promised to get together afterward.

The end of Session Three brings us to lunch. Uh, yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! The staff who served us didn’t see my veg meal ticket so I had to send the chicken back but all was resolved and we were soon chowing down. I ate with Ashley, Dominque from My Work At Home World, and Danielle. Learned a lot of new things and bonded over some delicious grub.



Holly (think back to Table 10) presented after lunch and even though she was nervous she rocked it. There is no doubt she was the funniest of the day! Session 5 seemed the longest of all, I think it may have been the time?

Session 6 was a cool down session where we examined life balance and what matters. Something we all try to keep in perspective.

To wrap up the evening most everyone joined the wine sponsor, Mirassou, as they generously poured glass after glass. For those who love a rich red wine I’d highly recommend their Sunset Red. Just for the record – it’s strong wine and you should always drink responsibly.

Looking for a rundown of everything? Here are the deets:

Meeting such amazing people, it’s just awesome,
Getting the wisdom sprinkled in the presentations: the tips and tricks only people who have been “in the Space” know,
Assigned seating: it took out all the awkward seat saving and other cordial ____ free seating requires. “Well, I guess you can sit there, it does have your number on it.” Looping, I met a ton of awesome people I probably wouldn’t have otherwise this way,
Wine Time – thank you Mirassou. Best part? Maybe…
No breakout sessions – it wasn’t advertised, but looking for feedback I would have liked to see the option to go to other
I learned more from the questions – no lie, the major takeaways were from the questions asks during and post sessions rather than the information in the presentations.
Although the pros out weigh the cons I will probably not attend another Bloggy Bootcamp, I will certainly try other conferences and personal/professional development. I came out of this excited by being around the people who “get me” and with a better appreciation of what I do.
Saturday night Margarita of Cupcake Cardio bribed me and we went and had a blast at City Museum. Slides, crevasses, and climbing galore. Oh, and more food.
City Museum
Yes, that’s fried chicken on top of a waffle drizzled with maple syrup. Don’t judge me. Or do. There are also donuts, best ever, right out of the vat. Yum! We also checked out a magic show at the City and spun in human sized tops.
That was a “late” night. So much fun – thanks for bribing me girl!
And then there was Sunday. Ashley and I meet at a cute little Greek restaurant, it wasn’t open yet so we walked up and down the downtown street and chatted until it was open. We then had a three hour lunch! I’d say it was a success!!

If you went, what was your favorite part?If you didn’t, have you ever been to a conference? Tell me about it!

Gettin’ Busy

Oy, it’s past my bedtime! Yours too? Great we can sleep deprive ourselves together 😉 Let’s get to chatting!


I’ve noticed Coffee Dates going around the Space again, I thought I’d kinda join in, in the dip my toe into the lake to see if the crocodile bites it off kinda way. You guys are not nearly as scaly or scary as crocodiles (usually) but anyway…

Who else is too busy being awesome? Hop on train and let’s forget the million and one things to do tomorrow (which so happens to Monday in two hours my time but you have more or less time than even I!) so what’s up? I suppose I’ll spill first, you’re not off the hook though!

As I sit down at the end of what has been a seemingly long season on busy I am finally realizing just how much I miss writing, blogging, and influencing.

Lately (the last month) I have been MIA from the blog and pretty sporadic on other social media. It has been largely unintentional and tonight is a completely organic, gotta get it off my chest kind of post. Bear with me.

School, extracurriculars, and life in general has been ever demanding which is good, great really but dang! Being so busy has me prioritizing more than ever and although the blog isn’t the shining star in my life it used to be you guys and TSP are far from the bottom. I love working out, I love writing, and above all I love meeting the people behind the scene, er, screen.

I attended Bloggy Bootcamp yesterday and picked up A Journal of Intention and Change diary/notebook – sounds daunting, huh? Although the Bootcamp wasn’t perfect (more on that later) it helped renew my sense of purpose and reminded me that my happiness (as a blogger) matters. I need to continue to do what makes me me because I’m awesome and I should be busy being awesome. In comes the journal. My first page already has “Starting today I will…become a more conscious influencer.” What does that really mean? I’m going to clear the gunk out of my life in order to make time for what matters. School and family will always come first and yes, I will most certainly miss a post here and there but this is my renewed 2014 resolution and blogging is what’s becoming important to me.

It’s not really about me, it’s not really about the blog, it’s about being present and never getting too busy to go to the City Museum at 9PM on a Saturday night (happened) or too caught up to look back and realize the first three months of the new year weren’t nearly as productive as you had hoped (guilty).

Instead of the ever popular coffee date hop can we call this Margarita Monday? High Ball Hour? Sangria Sunday? Cocktail Confessions? And have these raw, unconventional but appropriate conversations more often?

PS chocolate milk is an appropriate substitute.

so busy but ok

What would your Cocktail Confession look like?

Is there anything you just need to get off your chest or maybe busy is your season too?